Tag: conversation

  • Why do you dance Tango?

    Why do you dance Tango?

    Why should we wait for a few professionals to win their battle with the devil and get their performances promoting social tango? Also, a performance is never done in a social context. The floor is never crowded, you cannot see the respect to your fellow dancers, and you cannot see the social dimension of the…


  • Smart-asses and social intelligence

    Smart-asses and social intelligence

    I was taking German classes for almost 3 years. During those 3 years of online classes, we got to meet in person 3 times. It was not for a lesson. It was just a social gathering. During class time our teacher would encourage us to speak and would often correct our pronunciation or grammar or…


  • Presence: The key to get connected

    Presence: The key to get connected

    You can easily understand when your partner is distracted. Even worse when they are totally absent. If they intentionally choose not to follow something and suggest something else they would immediately follow up with their idea and I would try to tune in. You understand that they are there and make choices. But if there…


  • Selfdriven followers

    Selfdriven followers

    When I was in Greece I had to drive myself every morning to the office and this drove me crazy. I always dreamed of having a fully autonomous car that would just get me to wherever I wanted while I could be sleeping, reading, etc. What does this have to do with trust and musicality?…


  • The tango vocabulary illusion

    The tango vocabulary illusion

    On all this analysis I was struggling to figure out, how on earth can you get away with a limited vocabulary and still manage to have interesting if not mind and soul-blowing conversations. I mean… I manage to have dances that blow my mind and my soul without the knowledge of the whole vocabulary. Is…


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