Tag: conversation
Christos Kouroupetroglou
Why am I doing this?
“Thank you for doing this for the community” he told me referring to my blog posts. To be honest I didn’t know how to react. All this started like a joke. I started by posting small texts on Facebook for my friends and as the discussions led to new texts and the new texts led…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
It is a woman’s world.
In a comment I received on my post about men in Tango, there was the suggestion that we don’t have enough good leaders and that followers turning to leaders will increase competition between leaders pushing them to get better. In theory, this argument sounds perfect. Indeed. In a market with a small amount of suppliers…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
A ridiculously biased, toxic man. Me!
What I consider normal is not necessarily normal for you and vice versa. Normal is just a construct of our minds. Actually there is not just one “normal”, there are many “normals”. Yours, mine, the guy who just found the post by accident, the lady’s who is looking for a cheesecake recipe and found this…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
We need you
I haven’t seen her for some time but I assumed she was on vacation. It was summertime and I assumed our timings were a bit off so we hadn’t seen each other for a couple of months or so. When I saw her, I asked how she was. What she told me was surprising. She…
Christos Kouroupetroglou
Why do you dance Tango?
Why should we wait for a few professionals to win their battle with the devil and get their performances promoting social tango? Also, a performance is never done in a social context. The floor is never crowded, you cannot see the respect to your fellow dancers, and you cannot see the social dimension of the…