Tag: musicality

  • Teachers with skin in the game

    Teachers with skin in the game

    A few weeks ago I was writing about event organizers who have skin in the game. Organizers who organize events with the main goal for them to have fun in the first place. They organize events where they can dance their asses off in the first place. Like chefs who eat the meals they cook.…


  • Rules, risks and returns in Tango

    Rules, risks and returns in Tango

    Did you spot the pattern? Three classic rules broken, three different results, three different gains. But is there something in common between them? Yes. The pleasure from the tanda. Either expressed verbally, with a smile or with a non breaking embrace or in any other way… These are the moments we are looking for when…


  • Dancers or story tellers?

    Dancers or story tellers?

    Dancers with basic musicality can understand and express the music they hear at any given moment. However, if you really want to go a step further you need to see the song as a complete entity, as a story that tells you something, that has a key message.


  • Focus


    So please… focus your conversations (dance) and don’t try to talk about everything in those 2 or 3 minutes! It is not possible!


  • Silence is golden

    Silence is golden

    Sometimes, people are dancing on a role and never even realized that they can do what the opposite role does. I was always baffled by this. I still am… but a bit less than before. How could my partner talk to me?


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