Tag: tanda
Tonight’s Goodnight Tango…doesn’t need any introductions! As I already wrote, I am fascinated by how our minds work especially in terms of memories. I believe many of you have had a similar experience. It starts slowly… like a hurricane… without a notice… you just started dancing with someone for the first time… you ask for…
Tribute to DJs
Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… comes after a request from a friend who sometimes acts as a Tango DJ. It also comes with a performance just because some of my non-tango friends need to understand that this IS tango… it is danceable… and yes… we DO dance it! It was only a few months ago in the…
The last tanda
Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is about the last tango. Last night I wrote about the first tanda… so I thought today to write about the last one. You probably know the feeling, when you are in a milonga and you just want to dance this one “last” tanda with a specific partner (preferably also with specific…
Hugo Diaz and his magic
Tonight’s goodnight tango… comes from a very special musician… and it’s dedicated to his magical instrument. The emotions expressed in this particular song… without a single word spoken… just from this one small instrument… are simply amazing! Tango for me has this element of magic and one of the most magical moments to me is…
Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is called “Racing club”… and I think connects very well with my thoughts tonight. I have recently seen an interview with Horacio Godoy and towards the end, he was explaining that for a milonguero landing a successful cabeceo was a big deal! He was playing against all the other leaders in the…