5 in 1

Share it like your embrace

In my previous post, I wrote how some tango songs seem to strike a perfect macaroon-like balance between different elements in their music and how this makes them irresistible!

Extending this line of thought one could think the same about dancing. If a perfect song makes you want to listen to it again and again because of its combination of different elements, then why not a dancer, who expresses those different elements in their dance, make you want to dance with them again and again? So… if you can have a macaroon-song… why not also have a macaroon-dancer?

Indeed, this is a thought I have come across as a piece of advice early in my tango steps. There was a blog post I read, that had as a piece of advice for being a good dancer, to manage to dance differently in the different orchestras. At that moment, I couldn’t even recognize the different orchestras… so although the advice made sense… I could not follow it. Now… being able to recognize many of the different orchestras and elements in each song, I am at least trying to follow it as much as I can and all I can say is… yes… it’s not only making you a better dancer…. but it is also a key element in making both you and your partner enjoy the dance a lot more! And in a social dance…. that’s exactly the point… enjoying it!

Therefore, tonight’s Goodnight Tango is not just 1 but 5 totally different tangos in 6 minutes danced by 1 and only couple with countless expressive capabilities. A couple that I really admire for what they are doing in the field and feel really glad and grateful to have met and hopefully absorbed some of their knowledge!

Tango Natalia y Agustin keep dancing and inspiring us!


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