Category: Musicality

Posts that deal with musicality aspects

  • The complexity of simple

    The complexity of simple

    Most of us think in very basic combinations and patterns. We have learned, practiced and memorized just a number of them and use them in our dance. But the possibilities out there are endless to be able to dance each and every song in our life in a completely unique way even just by simply…


  • Rules, risks and returns in Tango

    Rules, risks and returns in Tango

    Did you spot the pattern? Three classic rules broken, three different results, three different gains. But is there something in common between them? Yes. The pleasure from the tanda. Either expressed verbally, with a smile or with a non breaking embrace or in any other way… These are the moments we are looking for when…


  • Focus


    So please… focus your conversations (dance) and don’t try to talk about everything in those 2 or 3 minutes! It is not possible!


  • Silence is golden

    Silence is golden

    Sometimes, people are dancing on a role and never even realized that they can do what the opposite role does. I was always baffled by this. I still am… but a bit less than before. How could my partner talk to me?


  • Is musicality female?

    Is musicality female?

    Somehow there is a common misconception that the woman needs to just be good at understanding and executing the “commands” of the man. Musicality seems to come a bit later as an interest for ladies/followers. That maybe explains the phenomenon but then… isn’t this maybe the mirror of the leaders’ trap of wanting to learn…


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