Category: Musicality

Posts that deal with musicality aspects

  • When the leader becomes a follower

    When the leader becomes a follower

    A long time ago, I read a blog post from Tangomentor where he was explaining among other things that the woman in the dancing couple is actually leading the emotion. He also used a famous quote from Cacho Dante “Guys to dance tango you need to listen to the heart of the woman.” To be…


  • Mutual inspiration

    Mutual inspiration

    Many times when I am complimented at the end of a tanda I respond with something like “It wasn’t only me dancing… we both contributed to making this a nice tanda!”, However, what I often fail to communicate accurately is that the better a partner is, the more I feel free to unlock and unfold…


  • Dancing loudly to silent songs

    Dancing loudly to silent songs

    Personally, I find that even standing and breathing together in the embrace listening to Goyeneche’s voice and Troilo’s bandoneon is already powerful and overwhelming enough as an experience that any addition to this must be so delicate, simple, and quiet because otherwise, it will destroy the essence of the song. Rivero (who sang the song…


  • Musicality: the opinion on music

    Musicality: the opinion on music

    I never really thought about it this way until yesterday’s post… but it totally makes sense!!! The more I think about my dancing before diving into musicality and after… the more I see examples of “subjects” that I have now certain “opinions” on.


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