Tag: life
Tonight’s Goodnight Tango…doesn’t need any introductions! As I already wrote, I am fascinated by how our minds work especially in terms of memories. I believe many of you have had a similar experience. It starts slowly… like a hurricane… without a notice… you just started dancing with someone for the first time… you ask for…
Black eyes
Goodnight Tango… is about a pair of black eyes! The first time I heard the song in a milonga I was dancing and I was so surprised that I almost thought it was a cortina. I knew the famous Russian song and the melody rang so many bells in my head that I was kind…
Why is Tango addictive?
Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is about a bad habit…an addiction. We all know where I am going with it. Right? Yes… Obviously tango for many if not all of us is very close to being an addiction. But what is it that makes it so addictive? Many of you might answer the embrace, the music, the…
Embracing again
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anything about the first coffee because today was my first time out for a coffee after the quarantine. I was observing the people around us and it is obvious the fact that everyone still tries to avoid gestures like shaking hands with someone when you meet (hugs were out of the…