Tag: music
Mutual inspiration
Many times when I am complimented at the end of a tanda I respond with something like “It wasn’t only me dancing… we both contributed to making this a nice tanda!”, However, what I often fail to communicate accurately is that the better a partner is, the more I feel free to unlock and unfold…
I love Pugliese!
From the moment I read that he operated the orchestra as a collective allowing and rewarding every member based on their contributions, I realized why it is so complex. It’s like a discussion where you merge opinions on a subject from all different sides of the spectrum. That is why his pieces can sound so…
Live means alive!
I recently had the opportunity to dance to two different orchestras playing live. After the long covid break, it felt like I’d never done it before. I was trying to think why it feels so much better when you dance to live music. After some thought, I realized that the solution to the mystery lies…
When DiSarli sounds like D’Arienzo
We danced a super nice tanda and she was complimenting me and how I evolved in my dancing. I returned the compliments since she has also evolved quite a lot since we both started dancing… and then she says… “Yes… this D’Arienzo Tanda was super!”… and I respond… “Actually… it was Di Sarli… but you…