Tag: surprise

  • Making plans


    Making plans

    “Do you have any plans when you go to a milonga?” …she asked me on our way back home. “I found out that when I make plans… I don’t usually enjoy the milonga… so I try not to make plans and just let myself open to surprises.”… was my answer back then.

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  • Embracing the unexpected


    Embracing the unexpected

    We are dancing and suddenly she does a couple of more steps than I had expected. Not breaking the embrace… not getting out of rhythm or music… just a couple of notes more that she notices and emphasizes. I get what she noticed and let her know it was nice. When the song ends… she…

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  • Surprise bridges


    Surprise bridges

    When was the last time you experienced a small pleasant surprise? An almost forgotten melody played by a street musician while you walk by, a nice scenery while waiting for the bus or the train, a small kid smiling at you on the road, a smell of fresh bread walking out of a bakery… you…

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  • No mistakes in the tango, darling, not like life


    No mistakes in the tango, darling, not like life

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… came to me as an idea for this post… completely by accident. I wanted to write about mistakes… yes… this thing that we think we do when we dance and we immediately “sorry” our partner. So I Googled “tango about mistakes” and guess what came up as the first result! The famous…

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  • Addictive evolution


    Addictive evolution

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is an all-time favorite but a little bit changed… kind of evolved… and based on yesterday night’s post and the discussions I was inspired for this post. It was after the end of a milonga in a U-Bahn returning home together with a couple of other dancers and somehow in the discussion……

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