Tag: life

  • What is you focus?

    What is you focus?

    I remember my teacher sometimes when he was watching us dancing before class and then commenting on all the wrong things we did technically when we were dancing. He sometimes seemed like he had an obsession with technique… and in some cases, I was thinking… well what’s the problem if you don’t do a perfect…


  • The addictive element in Tango music

    The addictive element in Tango music

    A lot of people say that tango is an addiction and in a post some months ago I wrote about the variety of embraces that maybe makes it addictive as a dance. Recently, I was reading the book “Atomic habits” and in one of the chapters, the author was referring to how the food industry…


  • 2021 in review

    2021 in review

    I wanted to post this before the end of 2021 as it is usually a time of retrospective. We usually look back on the year that is leaving and think about what went well and what was bad… what made us happy and what was sad. However, I wasn’t sure which song to attach to…


  • We survived

    We survived

    “We survived” she said, now that we managed to meet and dance again after almost 18 months. Survival… yes… we managed to survive so far in a very strange period and I can’t help thinking of the parallels with the era when tango really thrived. It is a strange coincidence… Tango really thrived in the…


  • I am a snob dancer

    I am a snob dancer

    “When I first saw you in milongas I thought you were arrogant… a snob” she said after having met with me and having already got to know me a bit better. I get it… most of the time when I am not dancing, I am sitting in a corner all alone… not talking to anyone……


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