Tag: story

  • Tribute to DJs

    Tribute to DJs

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… comes after a request from a friend who sometimes acts as a Tango DJ. It also comes with a performance just because some of my non-tango friends need to understand that this IS tango… it is danceable… and yes… we DO dance it! It was only a few months ago in the…


  • Addictive evolution

    Addictive evolution

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is an all-time favorite but a little bit changed… kind of evolved… and based on yesterday night’s post and the discussions I was inspired for this post. It was after the end of a milonga in a U-Bahn returning home together with a couple of other dancers and somehow in the discussion……


  • The last tanda

    The last tanda

    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is about the last tango. Last night I wrote about the first tanda… so I thought today to write about the last one. You probably know the feeling, when you are in a milonga and you just want to dance this one “last” tanda with a specific partner (preferably also with specific…




    Tonight’s Goodnight Tango… is called “Racing club”… and I think connects very well with my thoughts tonight. I have recently seen an interview with Horacio Godoy and towards the end, he was explaining that for a milonguero landing a successful cabeceo was a big deal! He was playing against all the other leaders in the…


  • The aroma of an embrace

    The aroma of an embrace

    Tonight’s goodnight tango… is all about tango! She almost came to my face and I couldn’t avoid the cabeceo to her. It was the first time I danced with her and there are two things that made an impression. The first one, she was a bit sweaty… not a very pleasant smell… and the second,…


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